DG's Message


1. It is with a great sense of pride, honour and humility that I assume the appointment of DGBR on 28 Mar 2018.  I extend my heartiest felicitations and greetings to all officers, supervisors, subordinates, CPLs and their families who have rendered invaluable service to the Nation while serving in this Organisation.

2. The Border Roads Organisation has acquired a leading role in the arena of infrastructure development in the most treacherous terrains and climatically harsh regions of the world. The works executed have ensured the territorial integrity and the socio economic upliftment of the most inaccessible regions of the country. The BRO has also been an ambassador of the Nation’s vision of peace and prosperity through developmental works in several friendly foreign countries.

3. The Organisation, a reservoir of highly motivated and disciplined technical manpower, is gearing up to overcome the challenges thrown up by the technological advancement in the field of road construction, procedural modifications and fast emerging competition. The introduction of new technologies, training of officers on various technical courses and revision of financial powers/procedures are some of the steps in the right direction to keep abreast with the changing environment. 

4. Today, as I assume command of this elite Organisation, I pay homage to all the bravehearts of BRO, who have made the supreme sacrifice in the service of the Nation.      I also express my gratitude to all my illustrious predecessors whose vision and foresight has guided us towards Nation Building. We must strive for further excellence, guided by our motto ‘Shramena Sarvam Sadhyam’ as we carry the Organisation to greater heights.

5. I wish all members of our great Organisation good health and happiness.     

Jai Hind

Lt Gen Harpal Singh, PVSM, AVSM, VSM
Director General Border Roads
